Thursday, August 5, 2010

A gift from Korea

So a few weeks ago, I won a contest on an English radio station in South Korea known as Arirang. I've been listening to them for about two years. During one of the shows, I answered a question correctly(I think it had something to do with the Mud Festival). Since the radio station promotes tourism to the country, they sent me a book on the volcanic island of Jeju. It's pretty nice, and I will definitely read it soon. They also sent me a post card with their logo on it. I was actually on this station a couple of years ago when they called my house and interviewed me live on air (the DJ chose me). It was a cool experience. Hope everyone is enjoying these last few weeks of summer break.

Arirang has a cool app for the iPhone, and a player for the PC.
You can find out more about Arirang Radio here: